Saturday, May 9, 2015

Wedding Day!

My little sister is married.

Can you believe it?  It's like she grew up overnight.  Her status from single to married aged her.  In a good way.  I see her a little more mature than before.  Ha!  Did I just say that?

The wedding turned out beautiful.  Everything was perfect.  From the food to the guests to the music and dancing.

It still feels surreal.  I took their wedding gifts over to their apartment and it hit me.  It hit me.  My little sister is married!

I was pretty proud of myself because I hadn't been a blubbering mess.  Stress, yes.  But no crying.  Not even at her bachelorette party.  Then, she had me go down the aisle first at the ceremony.  I was not prepared for that.  I stood at the front and waited for the other bridesmaids.  Before I knew it, my little Linda-the girl who used to steal my clothes, try on my shoes, talk about diarrhea with me, smell peoples armpits, stick pants on her head and call it her hair, shared a bed with me, I taught how to not breathe heavily to, laughed with me, cried with me, argued with me, shopped with me, fought with me, and so many other things was walking in a beautiful white dress-handmade by our talented mother, holding on to my dad's arm.  The sight of two of the people I love most in this world caught me off guard and the tears just rolled down my face.  21 years of memories flashed before my eyes.  They were tears of sadness and happiness.  My little Linda now a married woman.

I'm so excited for this new phase in her life.  My sister is a remarkable young lady.  She has endured so much.  Her trials have not been easy but her strength and determination never cease to amaze me.

I don't remember but the story goes that I wanted a little sister.  So my mom in her motherly wisdom encouraged me to pray for a sister.  That's exactly what I did.  That prayer was answered.  And Linda is my living proof that Heavenly Father hears and answers our prayers.

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