Sunday, November 30, 2014

Life Keeps Going

I've been meaning to post over the last few days but just haven't had much time.  No, really.  This last week was super busy.

I started my job at Young Living on Monday.  Let me tell you, that first day went phenomenal.  I think I already said that actually.  PS, I really like the word phenomenal.  I went to fhe that night and it felt great to talk to so many people.

Tuesday...I was at work until really late.  Then I visited my dear friend Jana at her job.  She's always so busy and I wanted to see her since it had been a few days.  She works at Seagull book and it was nice to just be in that store and chat for the time that we did.  Don't worry.  I didn't distract her from work.  My friend Shelby was in town and Stephanie invited me over for dinner.  That's where I spent the rest of the evening.  I miss Shelby.  She is wonderful and it was nice to have us all together again catching up.

Wednesday, I had work again.  My Tia Claudia invited me (well technically I invited myself over) for Thanksgiving.  She said to come down Wednesday to help prepare the meal.  I love spending time with that family.  Her kids are little angels.  I'm not exaggerating.  They are very respectful and even more obedient.  I would love it if my kids turned out that way.

Thursday was Thanksgiving.  A busy day indeed.  After dinner, Tia Claudia, her two oldest kids, and I went shopping.  I really didn't want to go but I was with them and got stuck.  I'm glad I did.  It was a blast.  We stayed up until 4:30 am and I realized I'm too old to stay up that late.

Friday, I got a hair cut, came home, and then went to the Christmas lights down at Temple Square with the Hales.  Oh, my car was towed as well.  $280 freakin' dollars later and at midnight.  Ugh, it was annoying.  I'd never heard Kevin curse until that night.  He was livid at the situation.  Not because of anything I did.  It was because those stupid tow companies wait to pounce on unsuspecting victims.  My car was literally towed 9 minutes after we left.  They should have come and said something to me.  But if they did, they wouldn't have made so much money.

Saturday, I slept all day.  Probably until 1pm.  I was so exhausted from the previous 3 days.  I went to the Temple with Jeremy.  I helped Stacie set up for her party.  Then I went to dinner with some friends.  I watched the movie Four Christmases with Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn.  I came back at 11 and people were still here.  In fact, there were people here until about 2 am.  It made it hard to fall asleep with all of the ruckus going on out in the living room.

Today, I had church and then went to dinner with the Hales.  A friend came over because she needed to talk.  Then I got ready for bed.  I didn't even get to talk to my mom.  :(

As you can see, it's been a pretty busy week.  I want to write all about Thanksgiving and I will.  Hopefully by the end of this week.  I'm trying to be better at this whole blogging ordeal.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Young Living

I started my new job today.

Usually, all that new employee mambo jumbo stuff gets pretty boring.  Today turned out to be an exception.  The HR department did a phenomenal job of getting me excited to work for their company.

I guess I should tell you where my new job is.

I will be working in the accounting department of Young Living Essential Oils.

I'm really excited.  Really excited.  Like, snow on Christmas morning excited.  Or a missionary mom seeing/hugging her son for the first time in two years exciting.

Sunday, November 23, 2014


I've been so overwhelmed lately with all of the support I have felt from family and friends.  Especially in the last few weeks.

Deciding to move back to Utah was easy breezy.  That doesn't mean I didn't think about how others would view it.  To be honest, I was a little worried what everyone's reaction would be.  I was scared...but mostly embarrassed.

I have felt nothing but love and support from people near and far, people close to me and mere acquaintances.

Today, one of the members of the Bishopric in my ward pulled me aside.  He told me how happy he is that I am back in the ward.  He said when he saw me walk in that first Sunday, tears came to his eyes.  He said I have a beautiful, strong spirit.

I was so grateful for what he said.  I'm not perfect.  I know that.  But I also know how good it feels to to be acknowledged.

I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

2 Dates in One Week

I can now officially say my last date happened yesterday!

Before that, it had been a few months.

I went on a lunch date with my friend Erik.  We got grilled cheese sandwiches and cupcakes.


I loved Melty Way.  I got their Turkey Cranberry Sandwich and it was delicious!  About two years ago, I went on several dates with Erik.  He started dating a girl and fell off the planet.  Apparently he broke up with her at the beginning of the summer.  Last Sunday he showed up at my ward.  We got talking and one thing led to another.  It was nice to catch up with him.  We didn't run out of things to talk about.  The conversation ranged in topics.  After lunch we headed to the Sweet Tooth Fairy.  Erik owed me a cupcake.  The change in atmosphere didn't deter us from conversing.  It really was a good time.  We'll probably do it again.

Last night I went on a date with Jeremy.  My friend Katie invited me to go to the Bell Choir Concert at the Tabernacle.  They did a phenomenal job.  Here's a picture of me and Kate.

I'm so grateful for good friends.  I have felt so much support from them since moving back to Utah.  I truly have the best friends ever.

Anyway, one of the best things about going on a date with Jeremy is that it feels normal.  I don't have to impress him.  It's natural.  It just flows.  Jeremy is the kind of guy every girl deserves to have.  He is great.  He is funny and spiritual.  He listens.  He is kind and considerate.  He's the "stranger" who left those flowers at our door last week.  Jeremy makes you feel valued.  He's going to make a great husband and father.  Another plus is his mom.  I just love her.  She is fantastic.  

I really can't wait for more exciting date opportunities in the near future.  :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

God is Great

I've only been back in Utah for 10 days.  In those 10 days lots has happened.

-I received a calling.
-I was asked to go back to my old job.
-I had three job interviews.
-I got offered a great job.
-I've been asked out on a date.
-I got set up by a friend.
-I asked a boy on a date for this Friday.
-I gave my phone number to a stranger.
-I've been to dinner with several friends.
-I've received invites to hang out.
-I helped the sister missionaries with a lesson.
-I went to book club.
-I started Zumba.
-I've hugged more guys than I can count on two hands.
-I went to institute forum.
-I am happy and sure that I am where I'm supposed to be.

God is good to me.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Hales

When I moved to Provo at the beginning of the year I really struggled.  One night, I was coming back from Sandy and the tears just poured down my cheeks.  I knew I needed a priesthood blessing.  I just didn't know who to turn to.  I felt scared, alone, unwanted, and unimportant.  I prayed out loud and asked the Lord to help me know what to do to feel better.  All I wanted at that moment was to feel like I mattered to someone, anyone.  And the Lord blessed me by guiding me to the Hales home. 

The Hales are relatives of mine on my mom's side.  The woman I call "Tia Claudia" is actually my mother's first cousin.  She is married to Kevin and together they have four of the cutest kids.  

I didn't know if they were going to be home.  The only thing I knew is that I needed to go over there.  I got there, knocked on the door and Kevin answered.  The moment I saw him, an overwhelming feeling of peace enfolded me.  I explained what was going on and asked him for a blessing.  He quickly agreed and gave me one of the most beautiful blessings I've ever received.  He sat with me and we spoke.  He made me feel important and he showed me true Christlike love.  He invited me to stay for dinner and his sweet kids, all four of them, came and gave me hugs.  They did magic tricks, cracked jokes, shared stories, and fought over who would sit next to me.  I felt at home.

After dinner, her two oldest kids serenaded me.  One played the guitar and the other sang.  They were great.  

Once everyone went to bed, Kevin, my aunt, and I chatted a little while longer and they made sure I felt better before letting me leave.

Since that night, my aunt has checked in on me to make sure I'm doing okay.  Today, I had dinner over there and I had that same feeling of being home.  

It's tough being away from my family.  Some days are harder than others.  Even when I know it's the right thing for me in my life at this time.  I know I'm missing a lot and I often feel left out.  I know it's not their fault.  I'm just gone.  The longer I'm away the harder it is to maintain a close relationship, or make the effort at communicating, and the easier it is to forget about me.  

One of my favorite things while in Arizona was being close.  Being there, participating and being a part of my families life.  I might never have the relationship I would like to have with each of my siblings.  I guess I'm just not sure how to make it better.  I try but I often feel that I'm not given a fair chance of showing how much I've changed and matured over the last few years.  If there's one thing an Ordonez-Guzman is good at, it's holding a grudge and holding on to the past.  Haha.  But I never want to regret not trying.  Those sibling relationships are some of the most important ones I will have in my life.  I never want them to doubt how much each one matters to me.

Kevin often reminds me that I am their only family here and that I'm always invited over.  It's comforting to know I have somewhere to turn when I need family.  That cold January night, the Hales opened their door to me and in the process without realizing, helped knock down one of the walls surrounding my heart.  

Friday, November 14, 2014

Doorbell Ditching

I attended the wedding reception of an old roommate today.  She looked beautiful and so happy.  A few minutes after I got home from the reception the doorbell rang.  I first thought my friend who dropped me off noticed I left something in her car and came back to drop it off.  However, when I got to the front door nobody was standing outside.  There wasn't even a car in the driveway.  Our front door has a small glass window.  I looked through it to make sure I wasn't missing something.  Then I noticed this:

I feel so blessed to be back in a place that feels like home.  I'm not the best at telling people how much I appreciate their friendship/example in my life or how much good they do in this world.  I need to be better at it.  When things like this happen, it's a great reminder that Heavenly Father is aware of each of us.  This "stranger" will never know how much it meant to me personally, to receive this note today, of all days.  Thank you kind stranger.

Thursday, November 13, 2014


I've tried to think of a song that can describe what has been in my heart and mind the last few months.  Considering how music is not one of my greatest passions, I have encountered a little difficulty.  However, I couldn't put off saying what I feel.

My thoughts keep going to a quote from the Emma Smith movie.  Her father is upset about her trust in Joseph Smith as a Prophet especially her belief in the Gold Plates that later went on to be translated into the Book of Mormon.  Emma tells her father, "Father, sometimes you know things with your heart that you don't know with your head."

That's how I feel about Utah.  It may be hard to understand and even harder to explain.  But I just know.

I know I needed to move to Provo.  
I know I needed to move to Arizona.
I know I need to be in Utah now.

I didn't know the experiences I would have, the people I would meet, or the trials I would endure throughout the last eleven months.  But I had faith and trust in the Lord because He has always been there to help me, support me, and guide me.  He has always placed me where I need to be, when I need to be there.  And although I don't always understand the why's in His plan, I have full confidence that he is preparing me to become the person He wants me to be and to do the things He wants me to do.

I know as more people become aware that I moved back to Utah, they will ask me questions.  I've given a lot of thought on how to respond.  There's a long story, of course.  What it comes down to is this:

And this:

And this:

Monday, November 3, 2014

The greatest honor a person can have

This last weekend I had Stake Conference.

Sunday morning I woke up early and thought the best place to attend would be at the institute building where my single's ward meets.  I walked out the door, jumped in my car only to have it fail to start.  For the next 10 minutes my attempts to turn it on were futile.  Angry it wouldn't start I went inside and sulked on my bed.  My dad asked me if I wanted to go with them.  I hastily replied "no."

I spent the next 20 minutes sitting on my bed murmuring about how things never seem to work out the way I want.  And then, in an instant the thought came to me that I was being ridiculous.  That's something I need to work on.  Allowing simple misfortunes to weaken my faith in the Savior.  Car troubles always have a far greater affect on me than they should.

I quickly dried my tears and text my brother.  I asked him if he could come pick me up since my car wouldn't start.  He kindly agreed.  Less than ten minutes later I was sitting in the gym full of people ready to hear the words of those chosen to speak to our region.

Amazingly, the broadcast didn't start on time.  I guess they were having technical difficulties.  The broadcast began the minute I walked in.  Now, I'm not saying I made it start but I can safely say the Lord is aware of each of his children.  Perhaps the meeting didn't start because I needed to be there to hear the opening remarks.  I know it would have started regardless of my presence, but knowing that I made it in time was a tender mercy for me.

One of the things that stuck out to me the most was something President Uchtdorf said.  He said (and I'm not putting it in quotes because I don't know the exact wording) the greatest honor a person can have is being called a disciple of Jesus Christ.

I want to be like the Savior.  Like President Uchtdorf I believe that is the greatest honor a person can receive.

"A Window to His Love"
by Julie de Azevedo

I want to be a window to His love,
so when you look at me you will see Him.
I want to be so pure and clear that you won't even know I'm here,
'cause His love will shine brightly through me.

I want to be a doorway to the truth,
so when you walk beyond you will find Him.
I want to stand so straight and tall, that you won't notice me at all.
But through my open door He will be seen.

A window to His love.
A doorway to the truth.
A bearer of the message He'd have me bring to you
And with each passing day
I want to fade away.
'Til only He can be seen and I become a window to His love.

I want to be a window to His love,
so you can look through me and you'll see Him.
And some day shining through my face, you'll see His loving countenance,
'cause I will have become like He is.

A window to His love.
A doorway to the truth.
A bearer of the message He'd have me bring to you.
And with each passing year
I want to disappear
'Til He's become ev'rything
and I've become a window to His love.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Many of you know that Halloween is my least favorite holiday.  This year however, I dressed up three times.  Yep, three times.  I only have pictures for two of my outfits.  My first costume was for Oktoberfest.

The night of Halloween my sister and I attended a Stake party.  I went as a flapper girl and Linda went as a doll.  A creepy but cute doll.  I might not enjoy the whole Halloween ordeal but I do love getting "dolled up"  :).

Easiest costume ever.  Best part was I didn't have to buy a single thing.

With the creepy doll..

On Wednesday, my parents ward had their trunk or treat.  I decided it would be fun to go.  I dressed up as a kitty.

 Then Thursday my cute little niece had a parade at her school.  It was so fun to see all of the preschool kids dressed up.
It's been so fun staying home and getting to spend time with this cutie. 

Miss Kitty Cat with lots of makeup.  
I still don't enjoy Halloween but spending it with these people always makes it a night to remember.